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. 2016 May 24;43:315–324. doi: 10.1007/s10928-016-9474-0

Table 1.

Prior distributions for θ and Ω as derived from [34]

Parameter, units Description Reported Used in WinBUGS
μ¯ % SE 95 % CI ln 95 % CI Log μ¯ Σ for ln μ¯ a Σ−1 for ln μ¯
Fixed effects
 CL, L/h 70 kg−1 Total clearance 42.1 4.4 (38.7–45.8) (3.7–3.8) 3.7 0.00185 542
 Q, L/h 70 kg−1 Distribution clearance 78.3 14.4 (50.7–98.4) (3.9–4.6) 4.3 0.02862 34.9
 V1, L 70 kg−1 Volume of distribution of central compartment 56.3 8.7 (44.5–67.4) (3.8–4.2) 4.0 0.01122 89.2
 V2, L 70 kg−1 Volume of distribution of peripheral compartment 69 8.2 (57.5–80.3) (4.1–4.4) 4.2 0.00726 138
 TE50, weeks Age at which clearance is 50 % of adult value 44.5 6.9 (36.8–50.3) (3.6–3.9) 3.8 0.00636 157
 Hill Slope of clearance maturation 2.56 17.6 (1.65–3.78) (0.5–1.3) 0.9 0.04472 22.4
Parameter, units Description Reported Used in WinBUGS
% CV Ωb0 Ω−10
Between subject variability (diagonal elements)
 CL Variability for CL 30.9 0.091 11.0
 Q Variability for Q 37 0.13 7.79
 V1 Variability for V1 61.3 0.32 3.13
 V2 Variability for V2 47 0.20 5.01
ρc 30

For Σ, Σ−1, Ω0, and Ω−10 only diagonal elements are provided (the off-diagonal elements are zero)

aCalculated based on (97.5th–2.5th)/2/1.96, where 2.5th and 97.5th are 95 % confidence intervals (on a log scale) from bootstrap

bCalculated based on ln((%CV/100)2 + 1)

cThe value of ρ was determined empirically for the variance–covariance matrix by simulating from the Wishart distribution in MATLAB (Version 6.5, The MathWorks, Natick, MA) to ensure 25 % of variability in Ω0 parameters. The standard errors for %CV were not reported in the original article