Fig. 8.
Berry skin transcript and selected cis-regulatory element profile of small and large berries of the fatty acid degradation/C6 volatile biosynthesis pathway at 47, 74, 103, and 121 DAA. (a) Simplified pathway schematic. The heat map represents the transcript evolution (b), based on the mean log2 (FPKM + 1) in small and large berries, and log2 fold (small/large) changes (c). The relative log2 (FPKM + 1) values from the four time points in b are depicted by green (high expression) and blue (low expression). Grey color indicates the absence (or low levels) of detectable transcripts at the corresponding stage. Blue and red boxes in c indicate downregulated and upregulated transcripts, respectively, in small berries in relation to large berries. Boxes with bold margins indicate significant differences (adjusted P-value <0.05) between small and large berries at a given developmental stage. The cluster column in c indicates the cluster the associated transcript belongs to. (d) The heat map illustrates the distribution of MADS box CREs in promoter regions of aroma-related transcripts differentially expressed between small and large berries. Purple and white colors depict the presence and absence of each CREs, respectively, in the promoter regions of the relevant transcripts. LOX Lipoxygenase; HPL Hydroperoxide lyase; ADH Alcohol dehydrogenase; AAT Alcohol acyl transferases