Figure 1.
The importance of spot-finding parameters for indexing and integration. Integration results are shown for a representative diffraction image (using synchrotron radiation and a Dectris PILATUS 6M detector) from hen egg-white lysozyme (HEWL) with different spot-finding parameters. Spot-finding results are marked as blue diamonds, while integration predictions are marked as red circles. No target unit cell was used, in order to emphasize the effect of spot finding on indexing and integration. (a) Indexing and integration using a minimum spot height of 3σ and a minimum spot area of 5 pixels (inset: clearly visible diffraction reflections that were not integrated). (b) Indexing and integration using a minimum spot height of 2σ and a minimum spot area of 5 pixels [inset: the same diffraction reflections as in part (a), but now clearly marked for integration]. Note how a small difference in the minimal spot-height parameter results in a small increase in the number of spots found (58 with spot height = 3, 85 with spot height = 2), which in this case leads to a slightly better lattice model and a dramatic difference in indexing and integration results.