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. 2016 May 17;4(2):e37. doi: 10.2196/mhealth.4342

Table 3.

Service costs as reported by health facility staff interviewed.

PHC ownership Cost of antenatal service (₦)
Cost of OPDaconsultation (₦)
Cost of delivery service (₦)

n 50 50 50
Mean 444.5 435.5 426.5
Standard deviation 541.2231 539.7704 538.1601

n 50 50 50
Mean 2691.44 2008.46 2691.44
Standard deviation 1472.0359 1538.7633 1472.0359

N 100 100 100
Mean 1567.97 1221.98 1558.97
Standard deviation 1578.7391 1393.1766 1584.7048

aOPD: outpatient department, PHC: primary health center.