(A) Scatterplot shows mRNA abundance in ESCs transfected with GFP siRNA vs. LNA antisense to 5’ end of tRF-Gly-GCC.
(B) Effect of tRF-Gly-GCC inhibition on MERVL-regulated genes is isoacceptor-specific. Affymetrix data for ESCs transfected with LNA antisense oligos, relative to matched GFP controls, showing genes changing 2-fold in 2 or more samples.
(C) RNA-Seq data for ESCs transfected with GFP siRNA, or anti-tRF-Gly-GCC.
(D) Genomic context of tRF-Gly-GCC target genes, showing nearby MERVL LTRs.
(E) tRF-Gly-GCC inhibition affects MERVL targets in embryos. Averaged single embryo RNA-Seq data for control (n=28) or tRF-inhibited (n=27) 4-cell stage embryos. Among 2-fold upregulated genes, known MERVL targets(17) are indicated.
(F) Single embryo data for two MERVL targets.