Figure 5. Place fields form after appearance of a large plateau potential.
a, Representative intracellular Vm as a function of time for laps (numbers at left) before, during and after appearance of a spontaneous plateau. Red box indicates portion of trace shown in c. b, AP firing rate for single laps as a function of distance for representative cell from a. c, top, intracellular Vm from lap 8 on an expanded time base to show plateau characteristics. Red line is smoothed trace. Bottom, phase preference of plateaus for all place cells induced by a spontaneous plateau (N=6 cells from 6 mice). Grey line is fit by sine. d, Mean intracellular ramp amplitude (top) and Δtheta (bottom) as a function of time for cell in a. The traces at right are averages across laps within the time window indicated by the grey or black bar on left plot to show the average ramp and theta for laps before and after plateau. e, Plateau duration as a function of phase for all place cells induced by a spontaneous plateau. f, g, Average intracellular ramp amplitude (f) and Δtheta (g) for all place cells induced by a spontaneous plateau as a function of time. Data are shown as mean+SEM, see methods for number of neurons in each data point.