Early time point T-ALLs show similar levels of karyotype heterogeneity as endpoint lymphomas. a Aneuploidy and heterogeneity scores for the listed samples. The black diamond indicates the ‘baseline’ aneuploidy and heterogeneity based on the Mps1
− control thymus. b Aneuploidy and heterogeneity scores for a control thymus, T260, and T158 plotted per chromosome. Colours of the labels indicate clusters of chromosomes that favour a euploid copy number (green), show random copy number changes (blue) or favour copy number changes (red). c Chromosome counts acquired by metaphase spreads of three independently derived T-ALL cell lines (line 1, n = 35; line 2, n = 48; line 3, n = 30). Bars are median number of chromosomes (49, 47.5 and 51 for lines 1, 2 and 3, respectively). The black dotted line indicates the euploid chromosome count of 40 for mice. d
Still frame of a mitotic cell from line 1 (T302) labelled with H2B-GFP, showing a lagging chromosome (white arrowhead). Frame is deconvolved and maximally projected. e Frequency of mitotic errors as analysed using live-cell time-lapse imaging of the H2B-GFP labelled lymphoma cell line 1 (n = 32). f, g Genome-wide copy number plots for G1 (f) cells and G2/near-tetraploid cells (g) for tumour T158. h, i Genome-wide copy number plots for G1 (h) cells and G2/near-tetraploid cells (i) for tumour T257