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. 2016 Jun 1;16:72. doi: 10.1186/s12886-016-0247-8

Table 1.

Spherical equivalents, sphere, cylinder and axis for each method for the right eye

Spherical equivalent Sphere Cylinder Axis
Non-cycloplegic autorefraction (N = 32) −0.70 (3.14)a −0.02 (3.33)d −1.16 (1.35)g 72.75 (66.00)j
 Nidek (N = 21) 0.04 (2.57) 0.76 (2.72) −1.13 (1.51) 82.19 (72.05)
 Retinomax (N = 11) −2.10 (3.74) −1.50 (3.98) −1.21 (1.05) 54.73 (50.79)
PlusOptix A09 0.54 (1.83)b 1.27 (2.07)e −1.46 (1.22)h 84.41 (68.56)k
Cycloplegic autorefraction (N = 32) 1.06 (2.04)c 1.77 (2.20)f −1.41 (0.98)i 73.50 (67.29)l
 Nidek (N = 21) 1.06 (2.29) 1.75 (2.46) −1.38 (1.09) 75.14 (71.47)
 Retinomax (N = 11) 1.06 (1.57) 1.80 (1.71) −1.48 (0.79) 70.36 (61.69)

Data are mean (SD)

a P = 0.004 between autorefractor (Nidek/Retinomax) and cycloplegic autorefraction

b P = 0.02 between autorefractor (Nidek/Retinomax) and PlusOptix A09

c P = 0.04 between PlusOptix A09 and cycloplegic autorefraction

d P < 0.01 between autorefractor (Nidek/Retinomax) and cycloplegic autorefraction

e P = 0.007 between autorefractor (Nidek/Retinomax) and PlusOptix A09

f P = 0.044 between PlusOptix A09 and cycloplegic autorefraction

g P = 0.09 between autorefractor (Nidek/Retinomax) and cycloplegic autorefraction

h P = 0.19 between autorefractor (Nidek/Retinomax) and PlusOptix A09

i P = 0.69 between PlusOptix A09 and cycloplegic autorefraction

j P < 0.01 between autorefractor (Nidek/Retinomax) and cycloplegic autorefraction

k P = 0.16 between autorefractor (Nidek/Retinomax) and PlusOptix A09

l P = 0.28 between PlusOptix A09 and cycloplegic autorefraction

Correlation of refraction value between

-PlusOptix A09 and cycloplegic autorefraction: r = 0.81, p < 0.001

-PlusOptix A09 and non-cycloplegic autorefraction: r = 0.70, p < 0.001

-Non-cycloplegic and cycloplegic autorefraction: r = 0.77, p < 0.001