Figure 1. Representation of different types of aminoglycoside-modifying enzymes and their nomenclature.
Each group of enzymes is identified by their biochemical activity as follows: acetyltransferase (ACC), adenyltransferase (ANT) and phosphotransferase (APH). Next in the enzyme name, an algebraic number in parenthesis indicates the number of the carbon that is inactivated. The ring of the sugar in which the reaction takes place is symbolized by one (first sugar moiety) or two apostrophes (second sugar moiety). Roman numerals are used to differentiate distinct isoenzymes acting in the same site. Not all existing enzymes are shown.
A, amikacin; G, gentamicin; I, isepamicin; K, kanamycin; N, netilmicin; S, sisomicin; T, tobramycin.
Modified from Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2006)70:140–150.