Analysis of Polysome Build Up on Newly Transcribed mRNAs
U2OS cells expressing scFv-GFP, PP7-2xmCherry-CAAX, and the translation reporter (SunTag24x-Kif18b-PP724x).
(A) Images from a time-lapse movie of newly transcribed mRNAs undergoing the first rounds of translation.
(B) Quantification of the fluorescence intensity increase, aligned at the first time point at which scFv-GFP signal was detected (n = 30 individual mRNAs [pink lines], and average [black line] is shown).
(C) Quantification of the time between mRNA appearance and the first detection of translation by scFv-GFP fluorescence.
(D) Comparison of scFv-GFP fluorescence buildup on either new transcripts (red line) or on re-initiating mRNAs (black line). Data are re-plotted from Figures 3D and 4B. Scale bar, 2 μm.
See also Movie S6.