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. 2016 May 27;34(25):2779–2786. doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2016.04.067

Table 1.

Characteristics of antigens considered for recombinant expression and assessment in the murine L.donovani model.

Name Accession No. Descriptor/Function Fragment expressed Size (kD) Leishmania source Leishmania homology Human homolog (NP) Identity to human (%) comments Other expression/adjuvant/delivery systems used References
MDH XP_001682648.1 malate dehydrogenase full length 33 L. major 97% L. infantum
96% L. donovani
93% L. mexicana
88% L. panamensis
88% L. braziliensis
00509.2 46 5 stretches >8aa, spread out equally N/A [24]
8E XP_001566870.1 Heat shock protein Δ509-661 17 L. braziliensisa 97% L. braziliensis (147/152)
98% L. panamensis
82% L. infantum
82% L. major
80% L. mexicana
004125.3 36 no stretches >5aa N/A [21]
H2B XP_001682580.1 Histone full length 12 L. major 99% L. infantum
95% L. mexicana
79% L. panamensis
79% L. braziliensis
003511.1 43 no stretches >6aa protein with
XP_001681772.1 Microtubule component full length 50 L. major 100% L. donovani
100% L. mexicana
100% L. major
99% L. braziliensis (449/451)
116093.1 82 very conserved N/A [24]
p45 XP_001682593.1 amino-peptidase Δ20−380 40 L. major 99% L. donovani
99% L. infantum
(358/361) 99% L. mexicana (356/361)
93% L. panamensis
92% L. braziliensis (333/361)
006182 37 1 stretch of 9aa and 7aa (from aa62-85) protein with
p21 XP_003722922.1 Unknown full length 21 L. major 97% L. infantum
(186/191) 96% L. mexicana (184/191)
91% L. braziliensis (173/191)
none N/A N/A N/A [24]
SMT XP_001469832.1 Sterol methyltransferase full length 40 L. infantum 99% L. donovani
97% L. major (341/353)
93% L. mexicana
86% L. braziliensis
86% L. panamensis
none N/A N/A protein with
[30], [31]
Nh XP_003860171.1 Non-specific Nucleoside hydrolase full length 34 L. donovani 99% L. infantum
96% L. major
93% L. mexicana
84% L. braziliensis
84% L. panamensis
none N/A N/A DNA [32]
NS XP_003860171.1XP_001469832.1 Nh + SMT full length full length 74 L. infantum
L. infantum
see aboveb chimeric difusion protein protein with
EPS XP_001467099.1
8E + p21 + SMT Δ509−661
full length full length
78 L. infantum
L. infantum
L. infantum
see aboveb chimeric trifusion protein reported here

a Sequence used was unique to the individual from whom this L. brasiliensis gene was isolated.

b See notes on each individual component.