Figure 3.
Conventional implant placement in healed ridge (control group) of a young female patient (19 years old) who underwent orthodontic treatment: (a) preoperative situation; (b) the mucoperiosteal flap was raised, the alveolar bone was exposed and the implant (Anyridge, Megagen, Gyeongbuk, South Korea) was placed in the healed ridge; (c) the implant was immediately loaded with a provisional resin crown; (d) three months later, the final metal-ceramic crown was delivered to the patient; (e) first scan (S1) of the peri-implant soft tissues with a powerful intraoral scanner (Trios, 3-Shape, Copenhagen, Denmark), at the delivery of the final crown; (f) 1-year clinical control; (g) 2-year clinical control; (h) second scan (S2) of the peri-implant soft tissues 2 years after the delivery of the final crown; (i) overlapping of digital images (S2 over S1) in powerful reverse-engineering software (Geomagic Studio 2012, Geomagic, Morrisville, NC, USA).