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. 2016 Jun 2;6:27099. doi: 10.1038/srep27099

Table 3. Literature review of outbreaks or clusters due to Candida parapsilosis complex.

No. Year of report Country Ward or ICU No. and sources of isolates (patients/HCWs/environment) Duration Identification of possible source of outbreak C. parapsilosis Genotyping method (s) Author [reference]
1.* 2010 Mexico NICU 6/2/0 NA Yes (HCW’s hand) sensu stricto RAPD Hernandez-Castro et al.13
2.* 2011 Portugal NICU 28/7/0 NA Yes (HCW’s hand) sensu stricto Microsatellite Vaz et al.14
3. 2012 Brazil NICU 36/71/0 7 y Yes (HCW’s hand) sensu stricto PFGE, RAPD Miranda et al.15
4. 2012 Italy NICU 19/0/0 4 y No complex Microsatellite, PFGE MALDI-TOF MS Pulcrano et al.16
5. 2012 USA NICU 64/0/0 3.5–9 y No sensu stricto Microsatellite Reiss et al.17
6. 2013 Italy NICU 27/0/0 4 y No sensu stricto Microsatellite Romeo et al.18
7. 2004 Italy Pediatric oncology unit 27/3/1 4 m Yes (HCW’s hand) complex Electrophoretic karyotyping Barchiesi et al.22
8. 2004 Spain Pediatric ICU 9/0/0 2 y No complex Electrophoretic karyotyping, RAPD Garcia et al.23
9.* 2004 the United States NA 5/3/0 10 m Yes (HCW’s hand) complex DNA fingerprinting Kuhn et al.24
10. 2008 Turkey Neurological ICU (adults) 4/0/0 2 w No sensu stricto RAPD Dizbay et al.25
11. 2009 Sweden Haematology ward 4/0/0 1 m No complex Microsatellite, RAPD Brillowska-Dabrowska et al.26
12.* 2012 Austria Cardiothoracic SICU 99/0/0 2 y No sensu stricto Microsatellite, automated repetitive sequence based PCR Diab-Elschahawi et al.27
13 2010–2014 China General surgery ward, general ICU, VIP ward 152/0/0 4 y No sensu stricto Microsatellite Wang et al. [present report]

The table summarizes 13 outbreaks or clusters (including the present study) due to the presence of the C. parapsilosis complex in neonatal ICU (no. 1–6) and other hospital settings (no. 7–12) and that in the present report (no. 13).

HCW, healthcare worker; ICU, intensive care unit; MALDI-TOF MS, Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry; NA, not available; NICU, neonate ICU; PFGE, pulsed-field gel electrophoresis; RAPD, randomly amplified polymorphic DNA; SICU, surgical ICU; VIP, very important person.

*Indicates a prospective study, otherwise a retrospective study.