Figure 3. Ego-depletion has no effect on cooperation on the whole sample.
Results of Study 2 (N = 1,157). Ego-depletion has no effect on cooperation on the whole sample (naïve and experienced subjects together). Linear regression predicting “cooperation” as a function of a dummy variable, named “depletion”, which takes value 1 if a subject participated in the depletion condition, and 0 if the subject participated in the no-depletion condition, confirms that there is no significant effect (without control on sex, age, and education: F(1,1155) = 0.589, coeff = −0.020, p = 0.443, r2 = 0.000; with control: F(4,1152) = 0.736, coeff = −0.019, p = 0.448, r2 = 0.002). Error bars represent the standard error of the mean.