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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2017 Mar 30.
Published in final edited form as: Psychiatry Res. 2015 Dec 10;249:113–121. doi: 10.1016/j.pscychresns.2015.12.001

Table 1.

Sample Demographics and Clinical Characteristics

CEC (n = 25)
M (SD)
PTSD (n = 25)
M (SD)
test statistic
Age 32.84 (7.77) 30.16 (7.80) 1.22 0.23
Years of Education 15.00 (2.20) 12.90 (1.21) 4.19 < .001
CES 18.16 (5.02) 20.44 (5.63) −1.51 0.14
CAPS 10.88 (16.08) 68.76 (19.34) −11.71 < .001
 Intrusive 2.12 (3.47) 10.52 (11.25) −3.57 < .01
 Avoidance 3.28 (7.09) 15.40 (14.61) −3.73 < .01
 Hyperarousal 3.92 (7.11) 13.28 (11.26) −3.51 < .01
PCL-M 25.68 (11.01) 54.20 (12.67) −8.50 < .001
Ham-A 3.80 (5.09) 13.24 (6.60) −5.66 < .001
Ham-D 4.00 (5.40) 11.56 (5.18) −5.05 < .001
BDI 6.68 (7.73) 22.28 (10.09) −6.13 < .001
n (%)
n (%)
Gender (male) 22 (88%) 24 (96%) 1.09 0.30
Ethnicity (Caucasian) 13 (52%) 19 (76%) 4.88 0.14
 None 19 (76%) 15 (60%) 1.47 0.36
 MDD 0 (0%) 3 (12%) 3.19 0.24
 Alcohol Dependence 4 (16%) 1 (4%) 2.00 0.35
 Agoraphobia without Panic 0 (0%) 2 (8%) 2.08 0.49
 Multiplea 2 (8%) 4 (16%) 0.76 0.67
Medication Status
 None 23 (92%) 18 (72%) 3.39 0.14
 Antidepressant 1 (4%) 3 (12%) 1.09 0.61
 Mood stabilizer 0 (0%) 1 (4%) 1.02 0.99
 Combination regimenb 1 (4%) 3 (12%) 1.09 0.61

Note. CEC = combat exposed controls; PTSD = posttraumatic stress disorder; CES = Combat Exposure Scale; CAPS = Clinician Administered PTSD Scale; PCL-M = PTSD Checklist – Military version; Ham-A = Hamilton Rating Scale for Anxiety; Ham-D = Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression; BDI = Beck Depression Inventory; MDD = Major Depression Disorder. Group comparisons were performed using independent t-tests except gender, ethnicity, comorbidity, and medication status which were calculated using Fisher’s Exact Test due to low cell count.


consists of a combination of MDD, Alcohol Dependence, Agoraphobia without Panic, Panic Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, or Obsessive Compulsive Disorder;


consists of a combination of antidepressants, mood stabilizers, benzodiazepines or antipsychotics.