Fig. 12.
Valsaria spartii. a–f Ectostromata in face view. g Transverse section at the ostiolar level. h, i Transverse section at the ascomatal level. j–l Vertical stroma sections. m, n Apical rings in Congo red. o–q Asci. r–v Ascospores (u, v showing surface ornamentation; u immature; v note free paraphysis apex). Sources: a, l. V2; b, c, k, m, o, t. V6; d, g, i. V22; e. V15; f, j, n. VA2; h. V1; p, r. Kreta; q, u. VIC; s, v. holotype PC0167077. Scale bars: a, f, h, i=0.5 mm. b, c, j=1 mm. d, e, g, k= 0.3 mm. l=0.15 mm. m, n, r=10 μm. o–q=15 μm. s–v=7 μm