Fig. 18.
Bambusaria bambusae. a–c Stromata on host surface. d, e, h Stromata in vertical section. f, g Stromata in transverse section at the ascomatal level. i Ascoma in vertical section. j, k Ascus apices (j Congo red, k cotton blue). l Germinating ascospore. m, s–u Ascospores (m, t, u showing surface ornamentation). n–q Asci with ascospores. r Paraphyses. v, w Culture on PDA (w. reverse). a–l. MFLU 15–0050; m. isotype IMl 180328. Scale bars: a–c=1mm. d–g=0.5 mm. h=100 μm. i, l=50 μm. j, k, m–u=10 μm