a) Targeted insertion of the knockout (KO) cassette. Top: P2x6 locus on chromosome 16. Bottom: targeted allele in which the KO cassette is inserted within exon 2. Grey boxes indicate exons, arrows depict genotype primers. a-c) SA: Splice acceptor site, IRES: internal ribosome entry site, LacZ: ß-galactosidase, NEO: neomycin cassette, pA: polyA. b) Identification of the mouse genotype by PCR analysis of ear-derived DNA. The PCR product size ± 478 bp shows the presence of the wild-type allele (+/+), using primers A and C; the PCR product sized ± 800 bp shows the KO allele (-/-) using primers B and C. Both alleles are detected in heterozygous animals (+/-). c) cDNA isolated from murine heart samples were used to amplify exons 1–12 of P2x6 with PCR. The top agarose gels show the PCR products for exons 1–12 in two P2x6+/+ animals. The lower gels represent the PCR products for exons 1–12 in two P2x6-/- animals.