active compounds display unique potencies during exoerythrocytic-stage
EEF development. (a) Diagram illustrating the major stages of malaria
parasite exoerythrocytic-stage development, including invasion, parasitophorous
vacuole membrane (PVM) remodeling, trophozoite development, and EEF
schizont development. During the first 4 h after sporozoite invasion,
the parasite dramatically remodels its parasitophorous vacuole membrane
by degrading host-cell-derived proteins and at the same time inserting
its own parasite-derived proteins.6 During
the next 18 h, the sporozoites transform from their elongated motile
form to round, nonmotile, and metabolically active trophozoites. The
trophozoites undergo impressive nuclear replication starting at around
24 h postinfection, displaying one of the fastest replication rates
known to eukaryotic organisms to develop into mature EEFs.6 Drug treatments 1–6, corresponding to
compound incubation during the exoerythrocytic developmental stages
indicated, are shown. (b) Pb-Luc IC50 data for established
antimalarial compounds (atovaquone and pyrimethamine), antimalarials
in development (GNF179, KDU691, DDD107498), and the three MMV Malaria
Box compounds (MMV666693, MMV007160, and MMV665916) added during Pb-Luc
exoerythrocytic-stage development in a modified 384-well luciferase-based
assay (discussed in Materials and Methods)
are shown. Likewise, the Pb-Luc IC50 fold changes normalized
to the 2–50 h drug-treated controls are shown and colored based
on the indicated heat map.