Figure 1. Flowchart for constructing the common and specific core GENs for human aging.
Microarray data of young and elderly samples, miRNA data, and miRNA, TF-gene, and BioGRID databases were searched to construct candidate GENs, which consisted of interactive candidate GRN, PPIN, and miRNA regulation network. False positives of candidate GENs were then pruned for constructing real GENs of young and old men and women by system modeling and least square estimation. The core GENs were obtained by PNP. The intersection of young and elderly core GENs is called a common core GEN. The distinction between young and elderly core GENs are called young and/or elderly specific core GENs. We investigated different molecular mechanisms between the young and elderly by their specific core GENs. We further investigated the gender-specific aging mechanisms in old women and males.