Oncogenic Kras and loss of p120 catenin lead to decreased overall survival, cachexia, and increased pancreas size. A) Breeding and tamoxifen administration scheme. B) Kaplan-Meyer survival analysis showed overall median survival was 18 weeks for KCiMist1; p120wt/wt mice (n=9), 17 weeks for KCiMist1; p120f/wt mice (n=18), and 9 weeks for KCiMist1; p120f/f mice (n=37). Log-rank test revealed significantly longer survival of KCiMist1; p120wt/wt (P<0.0001) mice and KCiMist1; p120f/wt (P=0.0035) mice when compared to KCiMist1; p120f/f mice. C) A KCiMist1; p120wt/wt and KCiMist1; p120f/f mouse sacrificed 9 weeks post tamoxifen injection. D) KCiMist1; p120f/f (n=70 total) mice exhibit cachexia when compared to KCiMist1; p120wt/wt (n=62 total) mice. Limited data was available for longer time points for KCiMist1; p120wt/wt mice due to survival. E–G) 1 month post tamoxifen injection, KCiMist1; p120f/f (n=13) pancreata show significantly increased weight when compared to KCiMist1; p120wt/wt (n=13) pancreata.