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. 2016 Jun 3;6:27211. doi: 10.1038/srep27211

Table 6. Diagnostic validation of RITA results from IAV-positive avian and porcine swab samples.

Sample origin total no. tested Subtyping by RITA   Discrepancy RITA subtyping and pan-HA/NA sequencing+
specific results presumed non-specific reactivity# mixed infection Subtyping by pan-HA/NA sequencing
wild bird swabs* 45 45 44 16 (11/5) 1 (0/1) 4 32 40 0
swine nasal swabs 17 17 17 1 (1/0) 0 1 17 16 0
total 62 62 61 17 (12/5) 1 (0/1) 5 49 56 0

*oropharyngeal, cloacal or combined swab samples.

#RITA-nonspecific results are characterized by Δ Cq values according to details mentioned in table 4.

Nonspecific reactivity also detected with viruses of the validation panel.

Nonspecific reactivity not previously seen in the validation panel.

+In 13 and 6 samples, respectively, RITA could identify additional HA and NA subtypes (one or several) in comparison to the sequencing results. In one sample only the pan-NA sequencing procedure delivered a subtyping result. For more details see table S2.

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