Figure 2.
Cre-dependent tdTomato reporter neuronal labeling and Arch-GFP expression in the pre-BötC region in triple-transgenic mice. A–C, Two-photon LSM single optical plane “live” images of the pre-BötC region ventral to nucleus ambiguus (NA) on one side of the medulla in an in vitro neonatal medullary slice from the VgluT2-tdTomato-Arch-GFP (A), Dbx1-tdTomato-Arch-GFP (B), and Sst-tdTomato-Arch-GFP (C) triple-Tg mouse lines, presenting an overview of distributions of Cre-conditional tdTomato reporter protein labeling (red) and Arch-GFP fusion protein expression (green) of neurons throughout the pre-BötC region. Insets, Higher-magnification images illustrating neurons with Arch-GFP expression in somal membranes, as confirmed in the merged image for tdTomato-labeled VgluT2-expressing, Dbx1-derived, and Sst-expressing pre-BötC neurons. All images have the same dorsomedial anatomical orientation. d, Dorsal; m, medial.