a, Experimental schema for evaluation of role of cDCs in lung metastasis in the presence of a primary tumour. b, Representative images of lungs from Zbtb46-DTR bone marrow chimaeras treated with PBS or DT after implantation of a primary subdermal tumour (1 × 105 B16F10 in matrigel) and i.v. metastases (1.5 × 105 B16ZsGreen). Metastases were assessed one week after i.v. injection. c, Quantification of total number of visible ZsGreen+ lung metastases in PBS- or DT-treated Zbtb46-DTR bone marrow chimaeras. n = 4–5 per group, representative of 2 experiments; *P < 0.05, unpaired t-test, horizontal bars are mean value.