a, Top, side, and bottom views of the intercostal insertion window. The window accommodates an 8 mm coverslip and allows for visualization of a 4 mm field of the left lung lobe. b–e, Images detailing surgical insertion of the intercostal window. b, Mouse is intubated, attached to ventilator, and placed in right lateral decubitis position and surgical field is shaved. c, An ~6 mm incision is made immediately above ribs 4 and 5 over the anterior surface of left lung lobe. d, The intercostal window is slipped between ribs 4 and 5, and attached to a rigid support. e, Around 20 mm Hg of vacuum suction is applied to the window to secure a small portion of lung to the coverglass. f, Schema showing approach for two-photon intravital microscopy of lung seeding by B16ZsGreen cells.