Aronchick scale [17] |
excellent: a small volume of clear liquid or >95% of surface seen |
good: large volume of clear liquid covering 5–25% of the surface but >90% of surface seen |
fair: some semisolid stool, >90% of surface seen |
poor: semisolid stool could not be sucked away, <90% of surface seen |
inadequate: repeat preparation needed |
Boston Bowel Preparation Scale (BBPS) [33, 40] |
Score 3 segments of the colon |
0: Unprepared colon segment with mucosa not well seen due to solid stool that cannot be cleared |
1: Portion of mucosa of the colon segment seen, but other areas are not well seen due to staining, residual stool and/ or opaque liquid |
2: Minor amount of residual staining, small fragments of stool and/ or opaque liquid but mucosa of colon segment well seen |
3: Entire mucosa of the colon well seen with no residual staining, small fragments of stool and/ or opaque liquid. Comment: |
score reaches from 0–9 (for each colon segment separate scores, e.g., 2+2+3 = 7)
Other definitions |
Optimal = good + excellent |
Suboptimal = insufficient + poor + fair |
Adequate = fair + good + excellent |
Inadequate = insufficient + poor |