Fig. 2.
Phylogenetic and expression profile analysis of cotton APX (ascorbate peroxidase) genes. (A) Phylogenetic analysis of APX proteins from G. raimondii (Gorai), G. arboreum (Cotton_A), G. hirsutum (Gh), and Arabidopsis thaliana (At). The phylogenetic tree was constructed using the neighbour-joining method with pairwise deletion and bootstrap analysis with 2 000 replications. Clade I, cytosolic APX; Clade Ⅱ, peroxisomal APX; Clade Ⅲ, chloroplast APX; Clade Ⅳ, APX-R; Clade Ⅴ, APX-L. (B) Heat maps of GhAPX family members were constructed based on the RPKM values of RNA-seq of different tissues of G. hirsutum TM-1 downloaded from public databases. The purple box indicates the two sub-genomic copies of GhAPX1. (C) Northern blotting detection of total expression levels of GhAPX1A T /D T in different tissues of G. hirsutum. R, root; L, leaf; H, hypocotyl; Pe, petal; An, anther; 0O–20O, 0 DPA–20 DPA ovule; 5F–20F, 5 DPA–20 DPA fibre.