Figure 7. Relationship between sSC layers defined by either sSC cell markers or retinal ganglion cell axons.
Vibratome sections at ~P18 were immunostained with specified antibodies (green) after injection of CTB (magenta) into the contralateral eye. A. A sagittal section of sSC labeled with CTB. The pial surface is delineated by a dashed white line, the lower border of stratum griseum superficiale (SGS) by a dashed yellow line and the lower border of stratum opticum (SO) by a dashed green line. B1. A section labeled with anti-SP (green). The retinorecipient layers of sSC are indicated by dashed lines based on CTB labeling, as in A. The higher magnification of the boxed area is shown in B2 (SP) and B3 (merged; SP and CTB labeling). C–F. Same format as B. but with anti-SST, anti-PV, anti-Brn3b and anti-ETV1. G. The schematic shows relative positions of sSC layers defined by either sSC cell markers (layers 1–4) or RGC axons (SGS, SO). Scale bar: (A, B1, C1, D1, E1 and F1) 200 μm, (B2-B3, C2-C3, D2-D3, E2-E3 and F2-F3) 100 μm.