Figure 8. Rorβ marks a subpopulation of sSC neurons.
A. Expression of Rorβ was detected by anti-GFP in the Rorβ1g/+ mouse (see Methods). All images in this figure were acquired in layer 1. Sections of sSC at ~P10 were stained with antibodies to NeuN (red, A1) and GFP (green, A2) and counterstained with DAPI (A3). The merged image (A4) shows that Rorβ+ cells are neurons (i.e., NeuN+; arrows). B–H. Double labeling was conducted at ~P10 in the Rorβ1g/+ mouse by ISH (first probes, digoxigenin, red) and immunostaining (second probe, anti-GFP, green) and counterstained with DAPI (blue). Arrows indicate overlapping expression and arrowheads indicate expression by the first probe only. Arrows are missing in G and H because overlapping expression between the two genes is rare (<5%). B. An in situ probe to Rorβ (B1, red) and anti-GFP signal (B2, green) highly overlapped (B4, merged; B3, DAPI alone). C–E. The majority of cells expressing Cntn3 (C1), Ntng2 (D1) and Cdh7 (E1) were Rorβ+ (merged; C2, D2, E2). F–H. Very few cells expressing Cdh6 (F1), Pcdh20 (G1) and SP (H1) were Rorβ+ (merged; F2, G2, H2). Scale bar: 20 μm.