Fig. 1.
Relative weight of each modality within each component. Components are sorted first based on the modality that yielded the largest contribution, and second on their level of multimodality, i.e., how evenly distributed several modalities contributed. To quantify multimodality we calculated a multimodal index assigning a value of 1 to components to which each modality contributed equally and 0 to components to which one modality primarily contributed. The multimodal index is plotted in the bar on the left, going from 1 = white, to 0 = black. Components that yielded significant ADHD-related effects are indicated. FA = Fractional Anisotropy, MD = Mean Diffusivity, MO = Diffusion Mode, VBM = Voxel-Based Morphometry, CT = Cortical Thickness Estimate, Area = Areal Expansion Estimate.