Hearing loss profiles for B6 (A) and B6.CAST (B) mice based on ABR thresholds for 8, 16, 32 and 41.2 kHz stimuli. Graphs represent the % of animals having no response at the highest possible stimulus level for each frequency. Note that profound loss in B6 (A) begins as early as 3 months for 41.2 kHz, 6 months for 32 kHz and 10 months for 16 and 8 kHz. Complete loss (no response in any animal tested, 100 %) appears in the highest frequencies (32 and 41.2 kHz) beginning at about 12 months and at 17 months for 16 kHz. Losses of 80 to 90 % for 8 kHz appear at about 19 months-of age. In contrast, profound hearing loss does not begin to appear until approximately 18 months-of-age for B6.CAST and maximum deficits approach only 50 % at the oldest ages.