Table 1. Inhibitory effects of trans-chalcone and its related compounds on F. trinervia and F. pringlei PEPC and their influences on the growth of three soil bacteria (C. glutamicum ATCC13032, Cg; P. putida KT2440, Pp; B. subtilis 168, Bs) and E. coli K-12 MG1655 (Ec).
IC50 determination of chalcones on the C3 and C4 PEPCs using activity assays. The selectivity of chalcones on the C4 PEPC over C3 isoform is also indicated in the Table. Error bars represent standard errors of at least two independent measurements. The strains were cultured in a microscale cultivation system both in complex and minimal media in the presence of 0.1×, 1×, and 10× the IC50 concentration determined for the F. trinervia PEP carboxylase. The Table indicates whether the final cell density (measured as backscatter at 620 nm) or the growth rate decreased (fbs↓ and μ↓, respectively), or the lag phase was extended (lag↑). All results refer to the highest chalcone concentration tested if not stated otherwise. Only effects leading to differences ≥10% compared to the untreated control cultures were included. Effects due to precipitation in the growth media occurring at 10× IC50 of trans-chalcone and 2′-Hydroxychalcone were not included to this Table. Abbreviations: n.d., not determined; n.e., no effect on growth.