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. 2016 Jun;137(6):e20153497. doi: 10.1542/peds.2015-3497


Study Population Characteristics

Covariate Study Population Without DKA With DKA P
n % n % n %
Population size 5263 100.0 4385 83.3 878 16.7
Age, y
 0–6 702 13.3 630 14.4 72 8.2 <.001
 7–12 1931 36.7 1628 37.1 303 34.5
 13–21 2630 50.0 2127 48.5 503 57.3
 Female 2609 49.6 2133 48.6 476 54.2 .003
 Male 2654 50.4 2252 51.4 402 45.8
 White 1676 31.8 1407 32.1 269 30.6 <.001
 Black 506 9.6 376 8.6 130 14.8
 Hispanic 2530 48.1 2113 48.2 417 47.5
 American Indian 56 1.1 46 1.0 10 1.1
 Asian/Pacific Islander 154 2.9 134 3.1 20 2.3
 Other 228 4.3 204 4.7 24 2.7
 Unknown 113 2.1 105 2.4 8 0.9
 MediCal Managed Care 2469 46.9 1982 45.2 487 55.5 <.001
 MediCal No Managed Care 524 10.0 420 9.6 104 11.8
 Healthy Families 618 11.7 559 12.7 59 6.7
 CCS only 141 2.7 133 3.0 8 0.9
 Mixed 1511 28.7 1291 29.4 220 25.1
Mental health comorbidity 1033 19.6 717 16.4 316 36.0 <.001

Percentages for population size refer to the row. All other percentages refer to the respective column. P values calculated using Pearson’s χ2 test.