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. 2016 Jun;137(6):e20153497. doi: 10.1542/peds.2015-3497


Prevalence of Outpatient Care Within Previous 6 Months

Outpatient Care Within Previous 6 Months Without DKA (4385) With DKA (878) P
n % n %
Acute care
 ED visita 651 14.8 267 30.4 <.001
 Non-DKA EDa,b 627 14.3 227 25.9 <.001
 Nonpreventive visita 1701 38.8 378 43.1 .02
Maintenance care
 Endocrinology visita 2789 63.6 488 55.6 <.001
 Preventive visita 1728 39.4 419 47.7 <.001
 Insulin claim 4078 93.0 813 92.6 .69

n and % indicate the number and percentage, respectively, of patients in each group who experienced the event. P values calculated using Pearson’s χ2 test.


Visits within 1 day of the index date were excluded to avoid capturing encounters that led directly to hospitalization.


ED visits with DKA diagnostic codes (ICD-9 250.10–250.13) were excluded.