Fig. 3.
Simulated tumor morphology with different tension coefficients ηCD. Tension coefficient ηDD = 1.0 for all simulations. (A) Initial tissue is composed of non-invasive tumor cells (green) and normal ECM cells (gray) before tumor invasion starts. (B) Invasive tumor morphology occurs with ηCD = 0.5. Invasive cancer cells invade into the extracellular matrix, forming an irregular and loose tumor-host interface. (C) Tumor morphology with ηCD = 1.0. Invasive cancer cells do not invade into the extracellular matrix, but the shape of tumor-host interface is slightly irregular and loose. (D) Tumor morphology with ηCD = 1.5. Invasive cancer cells do not invade into the extracellular matrix, restricted to the primary tumor and forming a stiff tumor-host interface.