Figure 2. Video game training induced reduction in interocular suppression (as measured by IOR).
(A). IOR as a function of video game training hours. Squares show mean data for all participants (±1SEM). Large green circles and red diamonds show mean data for anisometropic and strabismic amblyopes respectively. Small symbols represent the IOR for the first 4 and last 4 hours for each individual subject. IOR ranges from 0 (complete suppression) to 1 (no suppression). (B). Scatter plot illustrating the lack of correlation between training induced changes in visual acuity (ordinate) and suppression reduction as measured by IOR improvement (abscissa). Training-induced changes are denoted as pre versus post ratios; ratio > 1 represents improved performance following training; thin horizontal and vertical lines denote a ratio of 1 (i.e. no change in performance). Blue squares (with cross) and black asterisks show data re-plotted from other video game training studies [Hess et al., 2010, see Ref. 25; and Knox et al., 2012, see Ref. 22 for comparison]. (C). Scatter plot illustrating an unexpected negative correlation between training induced improvements in stereopsis and reduction in suppression (denoted by IOR improvement). The horizontal line segments in B and C show the mean improvement ±1 SEM.