Table 1.
Abbreviation | Region Name |
CWM | Cerebral White Matter |
SCR | Superior Corona Radiata |
ACR | Anterior Corona Radiata |
SLF | Superior Longitudinal Fasciculus |
PTR | Posterior Thalamic Radiation (Include Optic Radiation) |
Scc | Splenium of Corpus Callosum |
Bcc | Body of Corpus Callosum |
PLIC | Posterior Limb of Internal Capsule |
Gcc | Genu of Corpus Callosum |
SS | Sagittal stratum (Includes Inferior Longitudinal fasciculus and Inferior fronto occipital fasciculus) |
CG | Cingulum of Cingulate Gyrus |
ALIC | Anterior Limb of Internal Capsule |
PCR | Posterior Corona Radiata |
IFOF | Inferior Fronto Occipital Fasciculus |
CH | Cingulum of Hippocampus |
FX | Fornix (body and column) |
UF | Uncinate Fasciculus |
The ROI for cerebral white matter was taken from the BrainColor atlas, whereas all other ROIs are from the EVE Johns Hopkins Atlas.