FIG 1 .
CRISPR3-cas locus of E. faecalis T11. The CRISPR3 locus of T11 consists of 21 unique spacer sequences of 30 nucleotides (diamonds) flanked by direct repeat sequences of 36 nucleotides each (rectangles); the entire sets of repeats and spacers are expanded below the locus for clarity. Spacers sharing significant identity with MGEs (see Table S2 in the supplemental material) are colored based on the type of genetic element with which they share identity: red, phage; purple, plasmids; yellow, potential prophage. Gray arrows denote V583 gene orthologs. The red arrow between cas9 and cas1 represents the predicted location of the CRISPR3 tracrRNA. The black rectangle upstream of the CRISPR array represents the leader region.