(A) DiOC6 uptake in activated Tregs in the input population at onset of the assay (T0) or in cells cultured without cytokine for 8 hr with or without 10 μM GSI (Data are plotted to show Mean ± SD, p**</=0.001). (B-G) Representative confocal (Z-projected) images of mitochondria stained with MitoTracker Green in WT Tregs cultured for 6 hr in the following conditions: with or without IL-2 (B), post retroviral transfection of DLL-1 shRNA +/- IL-2 (C); or transfection of Notch1 shRNA +/- IL-2 (D); no IL-2+GSI (E) no IL-2 + Baf (F) or post retroviral transfection of shRNA to Atg7 +/- IL-2 (G). F and G, percent DiOC6-high (live) WT and Notch1-/- Tregs at T0 (F) or 15 hr after culture without IL-2 (G). Mean ± SD from 3 separate experiments. (H) DiOC6 fluorescence in activated Notch1-/- and control Notch1+/+ Tregs in the input population at the onset of the assay (T0) or in cells cultured without cytokine for 15 hr. (Mean ± SD, p*</=0.03). (I) FRAP analysis in MitoTracker Green loaded WT or Notch1-/- Tregs (n=10 cells/ cell type, scale bar 2 μm) at T0. Inset: mitochondria in Notch1-/- Tregs cultured for 6 hr with or without IL-2. (J and K) Representative confocal images (at 6 hr) of mitochondria loaded with MitoTracker Green in Notch1-/- Tregs transfected with Atg3 or empty vector (pBABE), cultured with or without IL-2 (J) or Notch1-/- Tregs transfected with NIC-NES or empty vector (pBABE) in IL-2 (K). Images are representative of n=20 cells per experimental group from 2–3 experiments, scale bar 5 μm. This figure is accompanied by Figure 3—figure supplement 1