Fig. 7.
Neuroepithelial domains contributing to components of the vomeronasal system [36, 193, 203, 204, 212–214, 225, 226]. a–c Schematics of sections of the forebrain at three rostrocaudal levels in the coronal plane showing the different neuroepithelial domains that contribute to the hypothalamic nuclei of the VNS. Newborn neurons migrate radially from the designated neuroepithelial ventricular zones (vMPN, vAH, vVMH, vPM) to populate the MPN, AH, VMH, and PM, respectively. a The AEP and POA provide neurons to the BST, MeA, and PMCo. The interganglionic sulcus, between the LGE and MGE, generates interneurons destined for the AH/POA. b The vPVH produces neurons for the vomeronasal amygdala (MeA, PMCo and BST). c the TE (asterisks, b, c) generates M/T neurons destined for the pAOB, which migrate to the telencephalic surface at caudal levels (pink arrows). These neurons undertake a tangential migration along the telencephalic surface (pink arrows, a, b) to the rostrally located pAOB which is not seen in the schematic. The pAOB, MeA, PMCo, BST, and the hypothalamic nuclei are all generated from the VZ of the third ventricle and are all part of the VNS. 3V third ventricle, AEP anterior entopeduncular area, BST bed nucleus of stria terminalis, MeA medial amygdaloid nucleus, pAOB accessory olfactory bulb, posterior division, PMCo posteromedial cortical nucleus, POA preoptic area, TE thalamic eminence, vAH ventricular zone for anterior hypothalamic nucleus, vMPN ventricular zone for medial preoptic nucleus, vPM ventricular zone for pre-mammillary nucleus, vPVH ventricular zone for paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus, vVMH ventricular zone for ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus