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. 2016 May 14;164:49–76. doi: 10.1007/s10955-016-1524-x

Table 1.

Advantages and disadvantages of different frameworks for stochastic age-structured populations. ‘Stochastic’ indicates that the model resolves probabilities of configurations of the population

Theory Stochastic Age-dependentrates Age-structuredpopulations Age-chart resolved Interactions Budding Fission
Verhulst Eq. × × × × × ×
McKendrick Eq. × × 1 ×
Master Eq. × × ×
Bellman-Harris × × × ×
Leslie matrices × 2 × × ×
Martingale × 3 ×
Kinetic theory 4

‘Age-dependent rates’ indicates whether or not a model takes into account birth, death, or fission rates that depend on an individuals age (time after its birth). ‘Age-structured Populations’ indicates whether or not the theory outputs the age structure of the ensemble population. ‘Age-chart resolved’ indicates whether or not a theory outputs the age distribution of all the individuals in the population. ‘Interactions’ indicates whether or not the approach can incorporate population-dependent dynamics such as that arising from a carrying capacity, or from birth processes involving multiple parents. ‘Budding’ and ‘Fission’ describes the model of birth and indicates whether the parent lives or dies after birth

1 Birth and death rates in the McKendrick-von Foerster equation can be made explicit functions of the total populations size, which must be self-consistently solved [17, 18]

2 Leslie matrices discretize age groups and are an approximate method

3 Martingale methods do not resolve the age structure explicitly, but utilize rigorous machinery

4 The kinetic approach for fission is addressed later in this work, but not in [16]