Fig. 1.
The C-terminus is essential for the function of TPC1. a–d Confocal fluorescence overlay images of the GFP (green) and chlorophyll (red) signals (scales represent 5 μm), and representative whole-vacuolar current responses of TPC1-GFP variants as indicated on the left. Applied voltages ranged from −73 to +147 mV in 20 mV intervals, starting from a holding potential of −53 mV. e Current–voltage relations of whole-vacuolar steady-state currents determined from traces as shown in (a–d) for TPC1-GFP (closed circles, n = 4), TPC1ΔC8-GFP (open circles, n = 5), TPC1ΔC29-GFP (open rhombi, n = 6), and TPC1ΔC-GFP (closed rhombi, n = 4) normalized to the vacuolar membrane capacitance. Data represent mean values ± SE