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. 2016 May 26;7:11751. doi: 10.1038/ncomms11751

Figure 4. Extracellular Ca2+ entry obtained on dSEPT7 reduction requires functional dOrai channels.

Figure 4

(a,b) Wing-posture defects (a) and reduced flight duration (b) in flies with pan-neuronal knockdown of dSTIM (dSTIM-IR) was rescued by dSEPT7 reduction with either a single copy of the deficiency allele or RNAi-mediated targeted knockdown in neurons. N≥30; **P<0.01, Mann–Whitney U-test; flight duration of dSTIM knockdown flies with reduced dSEPT7 using either dSEPT7 het or dSEPT7-IR compared with that of dSTIM knockdown flies. (c) Reduced SOCE on dSTIM knockdown in primary neurons was restored on dSEPT7 reduction; N≥150 cells. Pan-neuronal elavC155GAL4 was used to drive expression of dSTIM-IR. (d) Quantification of peak ΔF/F values obtained during SOCE (300–600 s) for the indicated genotypes; **P<0.001, Mann–Whitney U-test with Bonferroni correction. (e) Reduced SOCE obtained by knockdown of dOrai was not rescued on dSEPT7 reduction. Traces represent the mean (±s.e.m.) ΔF/F values obtained at each time point during TG-induced ER store Ca2+ depletion and SOCE for the indicated genotypes (N≥150 cells). Pan-neuronal elavC155 GAL4 was used to drive expression of dOrai-IR. (f) Reduced SOCE obtained by expression of dOraiE180A was not rescued by dSEPT7 reduction; N≥150 cells. Pan-neuronal elavC155GAL4 was used to drive expression of dOraiE180A. Control refers to neurons with the dOraiE180A transgenic construct, but no GAL4 driver, resulting in no expression of the transgene. (g) Box plots quantifying the peak ΔF/F values for SOCE (300–600 s) computed from the Ca2+ traces shown in f **P<0.001, Mann–Whitney U-test with Bonferroni correction. (h) Reduced SOCE obtained in neurons homozygous for a hypomorphic dOrai mutant allele (dOrai3 hom or dOrai3/3) was not rescued on dSEPT7 reduction. Traces represent the mean (±s.e.m.) ΔF/F values obtained at each time point during TG-induced ER store Ca2+ depletion and SOCE for the indicated genotypes (N≥150 cells). dOrai3 het control refers to neurons heterozygous for the dOrai3 hypomorphic allele (recessive). (i) Box plot quantifying the peak ΔF/F obtained during SOCE in the indicated genotypes. **P<0.001, Mann–Whitney U-test. (j) K–S plot analysing the peak ΔF/F obtained during SOCE in the indicated genotypes. P<0.001, K–S test.