Figure 2. Height dependence of the position of the sharp edges in AFM images.
(a) Simulated deflections of the probe particle as a function of tip position. Grey lines represent the additional deflection of the probe particle with respect to its optimal configuration in far distance. The deflection of the probe particle to the left and right is indicated by blue and red, respectively. (b) Same as a but now in the presence of an additional constant lateral force (see Supplementary Fig. 2 and Supplementary Note 2 for more details). (c) Constant-height AFM image of PTCDA on Ag(111). Dashed lines with numbers 1,2,3 denote positions of different vertical cut planes. (d–f) Evolution of Δf with height along the lines shown in c. The black dotted lines guide the eye to see relevant edges. The horizontal dashed line indicates the approximate z-distance of contrast inversion.