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. 2016 May 24;7(3):e00314-16. doi: 10.1128/mBio.00314-16


The genes that were most up- or downregulated at the intersection of the time points of the acute phase of LGTV infectiona

Gene category 12 hpi versus:
24 hpi
48 hpi
72 hpi
96 hpi
Gene Fold change Gene Fold change Gene Fold change Gene Fold change
Upregulated LGI1 8.99 NUPR1 28.22 NUPR1 75.32 NUPR1 131.57
NUPR1 7.93 OSTN 10.06 KRTAP19-1 16.31 GAS5 64.87
RPS17 6.69 LGI1 8.73 OSTN 14.41 IFIT1 60.32
RPS29 4.52 CTH 7.41 ASS1 13.82 KRTAP19-1 35.33
RPS3A 4.51 RPS17 7.19 CTH 12.2 RPL9 25.02
RPL9 4.48 CHAC1 7.04 GAS5 12.19 CCNB1PIP1 24.6
RSL24D1 4.39 GAS5 7 RPL9 10.18 RMRP 21.9
RPL22L1 4.37 IFIT1 6.83 LGI1 9.29 LGI1 20.69
RPL34 4.26 ASS1 6.65 RSL24D1 9.26 RPL26 20.16
RPL36A 4.23 CCNB1PIP 16.08 CCNB1PIP 18.74 RPL39 19.6
Downregulated CXCL1 24.97 CXCL1 9.14 CYP1B1 16.64 LGR5 14.8
OAS3 14.77 OAS3 7.95 SHISA2 13.81 C22orf46 14.46
NES 6.07 CYP1B1 6.62 NEAT1 11.11 DNAJC22 12.97
FZD10 4.81 NEAT1 6.22 DOK3 10.79 CYP1B1 12.94
MAGEA3 4.64 OSMR 5.5 FZD10 10.63 CRIPAK 12.79
CYP1B1 4.59 NES 4.83 CRIPAK 8.54 DOK3 12.73
NEAT1 4.21 SPEN 4.74 MAP1A 8.27 SHISA2 12.48
SHISA2 3.9 FOXD4 4.65 C22orf46 7.22 TRIM66 11.59
CRIPAK 3.81 LGR5 4.64 PCDH7 7.17 TRIM56 11.48
HLA-DOA 3.77 SHISA2 4.61 TRIM66 6.65 MAP1A 11.16

A total of 519 genes were significantly differentially expressed at the intersection of all acute-phase time points, and these were analyzed with IPA to reveal those that were the most (fold change) up- or downregulated in expression at 24, 48, 72, and 96 hpi.