FIG 6 .
Transcriptome analysis of genetically representative preepidemic and epidemic emm89 strains. RNAseq analysis was done in triplicate for six genetically representative strains. The strain index provided in panel C applies to all of the panels. (A) Growth curves. The graph shows the averages of growth curves analyzed in triplicate. The growth curves were closely similar for all strains. Cells were harvested for RNA isolation at mid-exponential growth (ME = optical density at 600 nm [OD600] of 0.5) and early stationary growth (ES = 2 h post-exponential phase). (B and C) Principal component analyses. Illustrated are transcriptional variances among the strains expressed as the primary and secondary principal components, the two largest unrelated variances in the data. Strain replicates cluster, illustrating good reproducibility.