Figure 6. Apically localized Lgl promotes an increase in the microridge length.
Confocal sections at the apical (z=2) and basolateral level (z=7) of the peridermal cells stained (a–c) for GFP and F-actin at 30 hpf in wild-type embryos injected with eGFP-mLgl1 (a) eGFP-Ezrin (b) and eGFP-Ezrin-mLgl1 (c) under CMV promoter along with their corresponding orthogonal sections. Visualization of the distribution of ridge lengths and medians–estimated from clones expressing eGFP-mLgl1 (d) eGFP-Ezrin (e) and eGFP-Ezrin-mLgl1 (f) and their corresponding non-GFP controls using bean plots. Comparison between the ridge lengths exhibited by clones expressing eGFP-Ezrin, eGFP-mLgl1 and eGFP-Ezrin-mLgl1 (g). The frequency distribution of ridges in short (0–5 μm), intermediate (5–20 μm), long (20–100 μm) and very long (>100 μm) categories for clones expressing eGFP-mLgl1 (d′), eGFP-Ezrin (e′) and eGFP-Ezrin-mLgl1 (f′) along with their corresponding non-GFP controls. The comparison between frequency distributions observed in clones expressing eGFP-Ezrin, eGFP-mLgl1 and eGFP-Ezrin-mLgl1 (g′). Quantifications in (d–g) and (d′–g′) are based on phalloidin stainings performed at 30 hpf in the embryos injected with the above mentioned eGFP constructs. Note the minimal localization of eGFP-Ezrin-mLgl1 and eGFP Ezrin to the basolateral cortex as compared with eGFP-Lgl1. The distributions represented by two different alphabets in d–g show significant difference at P<0.05 (Dunn's multiple comparisons test). Error bars in (d′–g′) represent the s.d. Scale bars in a–c correspond to 10 μm.