Table 1.
Univariable time‐dependent Cox regression analysis of factors associated with cardiac mortality derived from the history and physical examination
nDogs (nVisits) | HR (95% CI) | P‐Value | |
Signalment | |||
Age (>13.3 years old/≤13.3 years olda) | 68 (164)/212 (821) | 0.92 (0.47–1.79) | .806 |
Body weight (>15 kg/<15 kga) | 42 (148)/209 (836) | 0.60 (0.26–1.40) | .240 |
Sex (female /malea) | 106 (418)/138 (567) | 0.91 (0.54–1.49) | .718 |
CKCS (yes/noa) | 97 (425)/147 (560) | 2.09 (1.27–3.43) | .004 |
History | |||
Cough (yes/noa) | 123 (306)/184 (679) | 7.69 (4.32–13.73) | <.001 |
Exercise intolerance (yes/noa) | 54 (122)/232 (863) | 5.12 (3.07–8.55) | <.001 |
Appetite (decreased/normala) | 49 (71)/238 (914) | 3.30 (1.79–6.10) | <.001 |
Weight loss (yes/noa) | 143 (260)/219 (725) | 1.30 (0.77–2.20) | .320 |
Breathlessness (yes/noa) | 141 (311)/196 (674) | 4.10 (2.45–6.86) | <.001 |
Syncope (yes/noa) | 37 (58)/228 (927) | 2.73 (1.39–5.34) | .003 |
Physical examination | |||
Body Cond. score (<3/≥3a) | 111 (232)/222 (749) | 1.93 (1.16–3.19) | .011 |
Murmur grade PE (>III/≤IIIa) | 156 (461)/169 (524) | 7.22 (3.68–14.18) | <.001 |
Heart rate PE (>135/≤135a) | 156 (397)/178 (588) | 3.64 (2.15–6.16) | <.001 |
Rhythm PE (SR/SAa) | 160 (376)/196 (609) | 3.81 (2.27–6.41) | <.001 |
Dyspnea PE (yes/noa) | 31 (41)/232 (941) | 15.66 (8.72–28.14) | <.001 |
nDogs, total number of dogs with the factor at a particular visit; nVisits, total number of visits a factor was detected; HR, hazard ratio; CI, confidence interval; CKCS, Cavalier King Charles spaniel; PE, physical examination; SR, assumed sinus rhythm; SA, assumed sinus arrhythmia.
Shows the reference category for the dichotomous variables.
Variables with the p‐value in marked bold were considered significant at the univariable level.