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. 2015 Aug 30;29(6):1676–1682. doi: 10.1111/jvim.13607

Table 1.

Cardiovascular and neurologic variables. Values for intrathecal (IT) lidocaine and intravenous (IV) barbiturates infusion are presented. Times at which respiration, heart sounds (HS), ECG, EEG, brainstem reflexes (BS), and BAER were undetectable after completion of the infusion. Time is in seconds (sec) for all variables. Negative numbers represent time of undetectable variable before completion of the infusion. The same variables are shown for the barbiturate study (n = 15 horses, except if marked* = 8 horses).3 NA = Not applicable because of being undetectable early during the infusion

Protocol Respiratory Cardiovascular Neurologic
Undetectable (sec) Inaudible HS (sec) Flat ECG (sec) Flat EEG (sec) No BS (sec) Flat BAER (sec)
IT Lidocaine (N = 11) Mean (SD) 33.9 (36.2) 373.7 (120.5) 746.6 (355.3) 144.7 (64.1) 170.5 (96.4) 329.5 (86.4)
Median (range) 25 (−30 to 120) 400 (221 to 614) 705 (300 to 1,279) 131 (44 to 226) 207 (44 to 284) 316 (172 to 444)
IV Barbiturate (N = 15) Mean (SD) NA 43.2 (12.1) 559.1 (217.9) 23.7 (21.3) 81.1 (39) 122.6* (69.6)
Median (range) NA 38 (25 to 60) 501 (330 to 979) 18 (−90 to 52) 80 (36 to 169) 88* (73 to 261)