Figure 2. F-Actin supports pole-ward drift of POs.
(a) Displacement of POs in the absence of MTs (+Ben) or MTs and F-actin (+Ben/LatA) over 10 s. Antero: towards the tip; Retro: away from the tip. Less anterograde displacement occurs when MTs and F-actin are disassembled. Mean±s.e.m. and sample size n is shown. ***Significance at P<0.0001, unpaired Student's t-test with Welch's correction. (b) Average fluorescence intensity profiles of GFP-SKL in cells treated for 5 h with benomyl (+Ben, red) or benomyl and latrunculin A (+Ben/LatA, blue). It is noteworthy that the absence of F-actin prevents formation of an apical PO cluster. Each data point represents mean of measurements in 25 (+Ben) or 31 (+Ben/LatA) cells from two experiments. (c) Contrast-inverted image showing F-actin, labelled with LifeAct-GFP, in a hyphal cell. The cell contains F-actin patches and long F-actin cables. Scale bar, 3 μm. (d) Axial and lateral diffusion coefficient of POs (DPO), derived from MSD analysis, in hyphal cells treated with benomyl. In the absence of MTs, diffusion is extended along the axis of the cell. Best fitted DPO±s.e.m. from linear fitting. ***Statistical significance at P<0.0001, F-test.